Spine Therapy with ELDOA™


Previous ELDOA™ experience is RECOMMENDED (not required).

$30 per month gives you access to over 100+ themed classes.

For the cost of 1 dinner out per month… commitment phobic, NO PROBLEM, cancel anytime!

ELDOA 24/7 when YOU want, where YOU want on any device YOU want.

Learn how to get more mobile, more flexible, stronger, taller and smarter with SPINE THERAPY with ELDOA.


  • Increases joint and body awareness

  • Increases muscle tone, muscle performance, flexibility and joint stability

  • Decreases pressure between vertebrae, reducing disc herniations & delaying degenerative disc disease by increasing disc hydration

  • Reduces and/or improve scoliosis curvatures

  • Reduces joint inflammation & arthritis

  • Improves posture reducing forward head posturing

  • Facilitates athletic recovery & injury prevention

  • Improved recovery time for sports & training

  • Decrease excessive pressure on nerves relieving chronic & acute neck and back pain.

  • Improves blood flow throughout the body

  • Improves flow of cerebrospinal fluid

  • Reduces Stress